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OPINION: ‘Dilbert’ Creator’s New Anti-Woke Strategy—’You Are A Hate Group!’

Emil Guillermo is a journalist, commentator and storyteller. See him at www.amok.com.

I confess, I haven’t seen Scott Adams’ Dilbert comic strip in ages. Who even gets a newspaper that carries it anymore? Alas, after this week, Dilbert is as dead as a dodo.


Adams use of a conservative poll as justification to make racist statements against Blacks is more than a little ridiculous. It’s also a little sad because Adams sounded serious.

Adams used a poll from Rasmussen Reports that showed 53% of Black Americans agreed with the statement that it’s “OK to be white.”

That statement, “OK to be white,” has a history of being associated with white supremacy movements, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

So, Adams asked aloud on his YouTube video, if 53% of Blacks in the poll were good with the statement about whites, what about the others who weren’t sure?

Adams said the 47% who disagreed or weren’t sure, made the conclusion clear to him.

Blacks were a hate group!

He wasn’t joking.

Adams concluded in a video rant, “The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people.”

Adams was justifying segregation. From a falsely accused hate group in his mind —Blacks.

And he seemed adamant. “Just get away,” he said. “Because there’s no fixing it.”

Does he mean there’s no fixing Clarence Thomas? Because I believe that.

Still, the only fixing needed seems to be Adams’ warped perception.

Just seems like quite a leap to extrapolate all that he does from a simple public opinion poll.

But Adams seems to be showcasing an emerging tactic of the anti-woke, pro-white movement.

Just call your enemy a “hate group.”

It gives white supremacists in their minds the leverage of moral superiority. Imagine, a group that hates more than they do?

This is pro-fascist, pro-white logic in action. It’s worked for Fox News and Trump, so far. We’ll see how long it lasts after the Dominion Voting machines defamation suit against the conglomerate. Adams is simply showing how easy it is to call your enemy a hater.

Fortunately, sane people see it for what it is. Newspapers that have been carrying Adams for decades are cancelling ‘Dilbert.’

Not that Adams seems to care about losing business or money. He has enough. After more decades creating a newspaper panel strip about a workplace dullard in a far from diverse and sensitive worksite, it may be that Adams was just looking for a way to go down with a bang, a way to say goodbye, as his strip was becoming more and more irrelevant.

And Adams only seems to be implying a half-hearted first amendment argument. Probably because it falls flat. No one stopped Adams from saying what he wanted to on his video. Besides, free speech laws apply to government business not to the private corporate world Adams deals in. Businesses have a right not to work with self-declared public racists. Nothing wrong there.

So, Adams was either bored with Dilbert, or he was just modeling behavior for the other male and female Ken/Karen-types, conservative whites who feel threatened by a diverse America, not just of Blacks but the entire BIPOC community.

Adams was the role model with the hot take: it’s OK to hate a hate group.

These are the sentiments of a paranoid anti-Woke crowd. Maybe Dilbert wants to run for office?

I really had to think hard the last time I even saw the Dilbert comic strip. I couldn’t recall if I’d ever seen a person of color in any Dilbert panel cartoon? Sadly, you can still get away with segregation in the comic strips. But sure enough, the first Black character in Dilbert, was Dave the engineer in 2022.

He’s much darker than Dilbert and in his introduction, Dave delivers the punchline, “I identify white.”

And I’m positive it wasn’t a matter of affirmative action, but of merit. Still, Dave needed the help of a white man. Adams had to draw it.

And maybe that’s the point. Dilbert, a white drone in a diverse work force, may have run out of funny things to say — that weren’t racist. In a work force of aggrieved whites quietly quitting, Adams had to go out loudly.

Adams’ rant was a nostalgic cry not for a brighter, optimistic America, but for the way things used to be in the 1950s. Only with faster computers. And decent Wi-Fi.

Adams and Dilbert deserve what they’re getting.

If they wanted to be cancelled, I’m more than happy to oblige.

Emil Guillermo is a journalist, commentator and storyteller. See him at www.amok.com.

The post OPINION: ‘Dilbert’ Creator’s New Anti-Woke Strategy—’You Are A Hate Group!’ first appeared on Post News Group.

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